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Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Matt Bavaro "man on da streetz" - Report #1

Originally uploaded by duckydale.

So, I've solicited the help of my wannabe socialite friend Matt to give us the hip and happenings in NYC as he seems to be getting invited to more and more events. Here is his first report for all our enjoyment...
So, the other night my friend invites me to the premiere of the new Katie Holmes snoozefest, “First Daughter”. Well, I didn’t know it would be a snoozefest beforehand, but it turns out I was right, and it was. I literally fell asleep, but that’s beside the point. ANYWAY, had no idea, but it turned out to be the actual NY PREMIERE of the movie, so I got to walk the red carpet and all of that. Of course, no one took my picture. Yet.

So we go inside and take our seats, and make sure we’re in prime stretching/looking behind us at Katie Holmes & Chris Klein position. She’s there. She’s gorgeous. She’s like 6 feet tall, and really does only talk out one side of her mouth (I thought it might just be something she created for Joey Potter, but she does it in real life). Chris Klein looks like a hobbit. Like, the FUGLIEST green suit (I think it was some sort of crushed velvet), and a really bad haircut. I’d say he has it for a movie role, maybe, but I’m not sure he’s a working anymore since the American Pie trifecta has completed. So, Marc Blucas was there too, but we’ll get to that later. Anyway, as we were leaving the theater, my friend took her time so that we would walk out right in front of Katie & Chris (me, specifically), so I basically held the door for them and that’s when I got my picture taken.

Then, we had invites to the afterparty, at this place called Marquee. Walked another red carpet. Turns out the amazonian Nikki/Paris clones sitting behind me were Miss Universe and Miss USA. Had no idea, and don’t even know their names. As I’m getting a drink for my friend, this little blond girl comes walking past me, while this huge black man starts faux-dancing with 4 other girls. Turns out it was Hilary Duff and her bodyguard. Who knew? I didn’t, which is why I almost body-checked her. If I’d have known, I would’ve TOTALLY body-checked her.

Saw Drew Lachey sitting in the corner with his wife – no one was really talking to them. I felt bad. Too bad his hot business older bro wasn’t there. Jai Rodriguez was there in a cute argyle sweater, and tons of hags. He was dancing, and acting really cute, although make up does wonders to the boy. He’s also about 6 inches shorter than I thought he’d be. Walked upstairs and saw Katie & Chris sitting in a booth with her parents and her agent I think. I couldn’t tell behind the 4 bodyguards, but they were chatting and laughing, and she really is gorgeous.

But my sights were set on Riley Finn – I mean Marc Blucas – who was just hanging out with the crowd and having a great time. My friend “accidentally” bumped into him, and apologized. And he was like “Whatever, don’t worry about it – it’s hard to even stand in here let alone walk” or something nice-guyish, and that was my opening. I introduced myself and told him what a huge Buffy fan I was. And he was like “me too!” and then started talking to me about working on Buffy. Said it was the best experience – he got to run around and play army man all day in this make believe land, and that the cast and crew were just the absolute best to work with. He said he didn’t love his first season on the show, but only because he didn’t do much. We talked for about 5 minutes and then I congratulated him on “First Daughter” – I mean, he’s fine in it, can’t blame him for the shitty script. Besides, you see him shirtless, which is Oscar worthy in my book. And he shook my hand and thanked me for supporting his work. REALLY nice guy, and totally affable.

So, we left. I did what I wanted to do. As we’re leaving, Jenna M., Ethan, Brennan (TAR 1), Johnny Fairplay and Rob Cesternino are all coming in. D’oh! So mad! Oh well … there’s always next TARCon.

Hopefully, I’ll write you another one of these on Friday. I’m going to a GLAAD party with Cynthia Nixon, Paige Davis, Alan Cumming, and Joan f’ing Rivers! Can you believe it? I’m DYING.


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