Now picture this... It's Friday afternoon and all of the sudden there is major tightness in my chest and I am having to stop everything to seriously concentrate on breathing. Now, not just "breathe", I'm talking a semi-wheezing deep breathing for a couple hours. I know, get to a hospital right? I kept waiting it out hoping it would pass or lessen or I'd just die, but nothing progressed or regressed. I kept trying to get in touch with my doctor. No luck. It's summer and a Friday afternoon. I tried getting an appointment with any doctor at Fenway. No luck. It's summer and a Friday afternoon.
I begin to get a little panicky as its not normal to not be able to breathe at my young ripe age of 30. I got out for some fresh air and it helps calm me some. I call Jon after I find out I can't get an appointment and he calms me down some. I tell him to come pick me up. I go home, take 2 Ambien (anxiety meds) and sleep the night away.
Saturday, a little less tension but still having to concentrate on breathing. If I am active for more than an hour, I need a nap. Useless day. But, I haven't died.
Sunday, same tension, same breathing deeply. Somewhat more productive day. Again, I'm alive so it cant be that bad.
Monday. Call in sick to breathe and not walk the 15 minutes to the subway and then the 5 to work. I have a doctors appt. for 4:30. I call and switch it to noon. By this point I have (as usual) self-diagnosed myself. This time with Asthma. At the doctors, they test the oxygen levels in my blood. They check my lungs. Turns out there is no way I have Asthma. My O2 count is 99% and my lungs are clear. Diagnosis: Allergies.
Now, this is where I annoy Dr. Nancy Norman. Second guessing her diagnosis. Why would my chest hurt and be tense? Why do I have to take such deep breaths all day long? Why am I tired? She boils it down to allergies. I've never had allergies, so now I do and this is how my body is reacting to the severity of this instance. The chest ache could be from nasal drip, could be anxiety over not being able to breathe. In reality I am breating normally, my body feels like its more of an effort and the more it continues the worse it gets. But, I am breathing fine.
The cure? Horse-pills of Allegra D (the equivalent of 4 regular allegras and 4 sudafeds). Its a roller coaster ride of adrenaline for the allegra and a major low a couple hours later when the sudafed part of the pill kicks in. I also have regular Allega pills and Nasacort nasal spray. Apparently I am not dying.